SPRINGER Young Researcher Award at ECSQARU 2017
The Award has been assigned to Nico Potyka from the University of Osnabrück.
We invite applications for the SPRINGER Young Researcher Award, which is granted by the Springer-Verlag. The prize (1000 Euros) will be awarded to one young researcher for excellent research in the area of symbolic and quantitative approaches to reasoning with uncertainty.
The award is open to Master students, PhD students and young post-doc researchers who have received their PhD in 2016 (or 2017), and who have demonstrated excellence in research on symbolic and quantitative approaches to reasoning with uncertainty. The corresponding stage of the career is taken into account in the judgement.
Applicants should have submitted a paper (long or short, not necessarily as first authors) to ECSQARU 2017. Applications should be submitted through the Easychair system to the dedicated track (SPRINGER Young Researcher Award Track). Each application should include a curriculum vitae and a short presentation letter. Applications should be received by the paper submission deadline (March 20, 2017).
A selection committee formed by Weiru Liu (Queen’s University Belfast, UK), Didier Dubois (IRIT, France), and Lluis Godo (IIIA, Spain) will review the applications. The winner, who will be asked to attend the conference, will be notified shortly after the authors notification (April 18, 2017).